Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Yuck! Yuck! and more Yuck!

The weekend, YUCK! I might complain about mushing season but I think the off season is YUCK. This weekend would have been perfect for nice hike or at least freesbee practice, but NOTHING.

The most excitement was when "we" (Lucy, Walla, and I) convinced puppy to chew up Bryan's prescription sun-glasses. He is such a dork, he did it. Then he got the peroxide treatment. Yuck!

Kim and Bryan fiberglassed the top of the camper van. Yuck! It smelled bad and they did NOT spend any time with us. I heard Bryan telling Kim about how bad of a job it was going to be, so I got a good seat for the "show". I figured the words and even maybe some hand tools would fly. I was so disappointed, not one bad word or flying object.

Sunday was another beautiful day so the sled dogs and I got to hang out in the van while Bryan and Kim went boating. Yuck!

What I want to know is what happen to "Tired dogs are good dogs" because we are NOT tired!


The Farmer's Wife said...

I'll see your Yuck! and raise you an Eeew!...

I've been doing budget spreadsheets for a school board that can't decide how to appropriate the last $250 of the 09-10 budget. Meanwhile, my fishing poles and kayaks are mocking me from the shed. And the greenhouses are doing the end of the year count-down, causing heart palpitations in this gardener's chest...

Better luck this weekend, for both of us, huh?

Willow said...

Thank you for understanding my pain. Bryan and two of the sled dogs just left with the kayaks so this weekend has potential. It looks like I might be on puppy duty but I can make him do anything I want. Now I all I have to do is convince Kim to get her butt of the couch. Beartooth Pass should be open so we could go play in the snow.