Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

The sled dogs and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Kim made a slideshow card so scroll down.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Sled Dogs

I think I heard Walla and Lucy singing "It's the most wonderful time of the year." The sled dogs are very happy because it is finally cold enough to run the sled. The last few weeks have been in the 40s which is too warm for sled dogs and way too warm for me to be pulling anything. Saturday it went from 28 degrees to below zero in just a few hours so we were off and running. Bryan hooked us up and sent Kim down the trail on the sled. Yes, Kim! I know kind of scary but she did okay not wrecks or anything. Bryan is still recovering from a nasty cold so he was the handler this weekend. Sunday it was at least 10 below zero when Kim took Walla, Lucy, and me for a long skijore. Stratus is on light duty because he was sick a few week ago. If you ask me the boys in our house are wimps. Of course you will notice there are no pictures because Bryan was in charge of the camera. I think Kim needs to teach him how to use it.