Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Adventure Just Doesn't Stop

Beanie #2
I recently took up knitting and am loving it. I am on my third beanie and first scarf. I love that it goes anywhere and it is a little addictive. To Bryan's dismay I knit everywhere :
  • in the car
  • on the airplane (Yes, TSA doesn't blink at knitting needles)
  • watching TV
  • at Sam's Tap Room or any other adult beverage serving establishments
  • waiting anywhere
  • listening to books
  • at coffee shops
and the list goes on .....
I have discover a few disadvantages to being a sled dog mom and knitter.
  1. Yarn comes in balls - Sled dogs chew on balls.
  2. Yarn is made from sheep fur (I know it is called wool) and I think it must still smell like sheep. (Yum, lamb chops)
  3. Bamboo needles are chewable, so are plastic place markers and rubber needle-nose protectors
Well, you know there is a problem when you husband comes into the room and says,"We're in trouble." And he was right, "they" were. Luckily for "them" most of the damages so to the ball of yarn not the beanie.

    Thursday, December 2, 2010

    Musher Want-to-Be

     I don't think I have ever had the idea that running dogs was easy but I really thought I was catching on. Two weeks ago, I made the "first" YES "first" run of the season. Bryan likes to make sure I spend just enough time on the runners so I remember why sled dogs live in our house.

    I had a great run. The conditions were so good I was able to run the dogs all the back to town. People in Montana look at you funny when you are running dogs down Ski Run Road. It is interesting to see their reactions, some smile and wave, while others scrunch up their faces and give you stink eye. Needless to say, I was feeling pretty good about my mushing skills.

    Since Willow is on injured reserve, we have been doing more ski-joring.
    I always really enjoy being on my skis. Usually I run with two dogs. I can usually control two dogs but Bryan decided I was ready for three dogs.

     We flew down the trail. It was great fun UNTIL...
    I was suppose to turn them around. Lucy and I don't always see eye-to-eye. Actually I think Lucy is plotting to get me out of the picture so she can have Bryan all to herself. 
    I things were going fine until I got the Walla's tug line wrapped between my ski boot and my ski. 
    BIG Problem.
    To make a long story short.
    At one point, I was not wearing a ski or boot on my left foot. Lucy would not give me enough slack in the line to put the ski back on. 
    Walla and Stratus to got in fight.
    I broke a nail. I know that sounds really "girly" but it was one of those down deep, throbbing, blood dripping everywhere, Damnit-to-hell breaks.
    I tried all my working with dog strategies, beginning with calm commands, which gradually increased in volume, until I was shrieking at the dogs and using language would make a sailor blush.
    Off and on through out all of this, I was talking (okay, he says I was screaming) to Bryan on the radio. He really wasn't that helpful. 
    Finally he but on his skis and head in to get me and I sat on my butt (ski and poles and sunglasses left far behind in the middle of the trail) while the dogs pulled my down the trail. 
    When Bry got to me, he took the dogs and went back for my gear. 
    I walked out.

    Needless to say, Bryan ran the dogs the next day.
    Actually I could hardly move so I just wanted to sit in my chair.
    I will get back in the "belt" again, as soon as I can move.