Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Too Busy Pulling to Write

I know! I know! I haven't posted about our trip to Mill Creek Cabin.
Kim and I have both been so busy we haven't had time to get this posted. The sled dogs, Bryan, and I have been living mostly in Red Lodge and going out for runs whenever possible. Kim on the other hand signed herself up for yet-again-another project so she has been logging hours in front of the computer. I think she needs to work less and play more.

Two weekend ago, the whole family met our friends, Angie and Philip and their whole family (12 sled dogs), at the Mill Creek Forest Service Cabin out side of Livingston, MT.
We had a great time.

Saturday evening, Bryan had Kim takes us for a run. It is kind of funny because she always gets nervous. This was her first run of the season and she hasn't be on this trail so she was hemming-and-haing about going. Bryan was pretty determined that Kim was going.

 I think Bryan's theory is to put her on the runners just enough to remind why we have sled dogs.

We were nice to her since it was her first run of the season.
Sunday, Bryan took us on a really long run. Kim skijored with Jekyll.
We all had a great time.

Now we are headed off on our big Christmas break trip. We are headed to Western Montana for Christmas with the family and mushing galore.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
See you in 2010!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

SLC: A Weekend without the "Kids"

Bryan and I spent the weekend in Salt Lake City. I had a great time. I think Bryan had fun but he missed his babies. I on the other hand loved having Bryan all to myself and playing dress up.
When we weren't eating we tried to enjoy some culture.

A Gingerbread House Contest and Fundraiser. Chef from all over SLC created amazing "houses" and the houses are auctioned off. Cool idea!

We went to Teddy Bear Town at the Grand America, mostly so we could see the suites. It was just cute.

One of the highlights was going to Pioneer Theatre at that the University of Utah and watching
The Christmas Story

We also got all dressed up and went to fancy dinner at the Tuscany.

Okay, we don't have any pictures of me. But I did go shopping and had a really fun outfit. I am working on finding one.

Returned home on Sunday night. The babies are fine but very "needy".