Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What is Missing from this Picture?

My frequent readers may have notice my significant absence from the blog and this picture. Well, I have been injured. I have had this pain in my hip so sometimes I have to carry that leg. It is especially a problem when I am chasing rabbits. Someone mentioned that maybe I was just faking it so I could get out of sled dog duty.

"Why didn't I think of that?"

I did hear Kim mention that maybe they should lease a couple sled dogs for the season. I would like to support that idea, as long as they leave when the season is over.
Bryan and the sled dogs have been going on tundra walks but Kim has had a lot of in-town commitments and I have been left at home and I am over it. I have been working really hard not to limp in front of Kim and Bryan because I am really sick and tired of staying home.

The weather is really cooling off so mush season could start any day.

I think I might be feeling a twitch in my hip if I see snow.

1 comment:

The Farmer's Wife said...

My dad had a dog, once, that when asked to get a particularly mean cow or crabby bull, would develop a serious cactus-in-the-foot, and be unable to perform his duties. No one was able to prove, definitively, that the cactus actually existed....

I think you've played your card brilliantly! Perhaps TOO brilliantly, however, if they are continuing to leave you at the urban domain. Condolences on your *ahem* sore hip, and best wishes for a speedy recovery!