Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mushing Widow

I know most of you have heard of hunting widows but at our house it is mushing season and kayak season. Bryan is taking very opportunity to run dogs when the weather is cold. (I don't blame him)

I have been entertaining myself with my sled dog race addiction. Some people can talk about NASCAR or football. Not me, I talk about mushers. I am currently monitoring the Yukon Quest. It is an amazing 1,000 mile race from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada to Fairbanks, AK. Unlike the Iditarod there are few teams entered, less checkpoints, and more big climbs. I enjoy listen to the updates at KUAC. This weekend is the UP200. Our friends in Michagan will participate.

1 comment:

The Farmer's Wife said...

Personally, I think men's beach volleyball is pretty good....

So you have the house all to yourself? Lucky girl! Margharitas and makeovers, that's all I have to say...