Monday, July 18, 2011

Addicted To and Distracted by Fiber

As some of you know I started knitting last Fall. My whole driving force was that you can make yarn out of dog hair and goodness knows we have an ample supply of dog hair. I haven't learned to spin yet but I have taken classes in almost everything else. I learned to knit with more than one strand of yarn, make socks on the magic loop two at a time, crochet, and needle felt. I love it all. I love buying and stashing yarn. I love that I can take a project in the car. I love that you can watch a movie or visit or listen to an audio book and still be working on a project.

If I am not knitting or crocheting, I am probably on Ravelry, looking at what other people are making or searching for more projects. The problem is I have so many projects that I want to do that I don't get all the other things done. I haven't read a book all summer. I know I should be ashamed. I haven't blogged about the family adventures and we have been on many. If you ask Bryan and the dogs, all I do is knit. I would disagree. I still kayak, garden, and am a sled dog mom. But I have to confess that just today I was looking for a vacation where I could go without dogs and sit in an air conditioned area and knit or maybe crochet.

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