Monday, November 22, 2010

I am NOT a sled dog

Willow is trying a new tactic to get out of pulling, having surgery. Her owners are not really smart. You should always have your dog's dew claws removed right before it snows two feet. Willow is not suppose to get her feet wet. 
No problem!
Just taking her to the bathroom is a major undertaking. First, put on the leggings (aren't they cute), then plastic bags, then booties, all taped to stay in place. Then out we go to make circles and circles and more circles. Bryan says she has a shy bladder. I think she just like me to stand out there with her, saying "Go potty". I am sure the neighbors think I am a crazy woman. 
You would think at 5 below, she could pee faster.
Her strategy worked. She stayed in the nice warm house (with the "cone" on) while the sled dogs went to work.

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