Tuesday, October 26, 2010

An Amazing Fall

Fall is my favorite season. Okay,  until Winter begins then that is my favorite season until Spring. One of the best things about living in Montana is the four seasons (sometimes in one month or day). Fall of '09 was a bummer. We had a hard frost really early so the leaves all froze and turned black. It was really sad but Mother Nature has made up for it this year. (Unfortunately, I didn't really capture the beauty in any photos- I was too busy enjoying the view). I don't know if it is just because last year we had no leaves or because leaves have not froze yet but it seems like the best Fall ever. 
As of Sunday, October 24th, I still had flowers blooming at the Red Lodge house. Last year we on October 10, they received 40 inches of snow at Red Lodge Mountain. Back in '08, we were running dogs in town the second week in October.
This Saturday the weather was perfect so I took advantage of it. I built a fire in the fire pit, got a glass of wine (it was after noon), and curled up with a book. 
Oh, the little pleasures of life. 


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