Okay, I will admit that on occasion (rarely) I am jealous of all my MOM friends and their MOM club. I don't really fit in the club. Just this weekend I faked being a member by pushing my friend, Lacy's daughter, Eden, in the jogger during the Montana Women's Run. Out of the 7,000 women, I probably only hit one or two with the front wheel. Those things (joggers) have a mind of their own. Who knew? MOMs just make it look so easy.
But today, I got to experience that MOM moment. One of my students made me a "Mother's Day" gift. She made me a little pouch to keep my dog treats in. I got a tear in my eye. It was just sooo sweet. Other people's kids can be really great. My dogs are pretty great, too. Happy Belated Mother's Day to the mothers of dogs and kids.
1 comment:
I am here to tell you that dog moms are definitely countable. Molly was my first "baby" and she'll always be my first baby. Even my kids know that. And Wayland, bless his heart, knows better than to ask the "if we were in a burning building, who would you save first" question.
Kids can be very perceptive and thoughtful! You must mean so much to that little girl...
Happy Mother's Day! I'm behind on all my greetings, too. The cards are sitting here on the counter, to be mailed today. They'll be a surprise for everyone. Or not. No one gets cards on the right day, from our house.
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