Bryan, Kim, the sled dogs and I went to Elkhorn Hot Springs near Polaris, MT for five "fun-filled" days of dog-sledding (if you like that kind of thing). I have to say it was a pretty cool place. We could leave right from the cabin because we were the only guest. (I am not sure that Bryan appreciated me telling everyone about how I felt about going.) The trail was very impressive. I was impressed and I am not a sled dog. The first day (Wednesday) the Pioneer Scenic By-way was freshly groomed for snowmobiling, which is perfect for dogs. My only complaint was that it is uphill for a long time. Kim skied up and hitched a ride back on the sled. We started/finished in this parking area that had quite a drop.

Day Two started with Kim on the runners. That lasted about thrity seconds. I am not really sure if she has a clue. You are supposed to hang on to sled and lend the right way or you can fall off and chase us down the trail. Kim thought she would try the chasing technique numerous times. It was really quite humerous. The funniest time was when she had ahold of the snowhook and we were dragging her down the trail with ten inches of new snow going over her head. I think I heard her say some bad words. When we got back to the cabin a short hour later, I heard Kim mention she wasn't sure if she had fun.

Kim tried mushing the again on Day Three because if at first you don't succeed try, try again. Or when you get bucked off the horse you have to get right back on. But Bryan started the dogs out for her so she could have a positive experinece.

Finally, after days of running in team we finally tried out the "puppy".
Sled dogs and I were glad Bryan and Kim had to go back to work so we all could get some rest.
Sounds like Mary trying to waterski. I'm really much better at sitting under the umbrella, drinking daquaris....
Wayland just said the Iditarod is this weekend. Make the popcorn, prepare the cocoa and schnapps!
We are checking the current standing on a regular basis.
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