Sunday, August 9, 2015

August is the Sunday of Summer

The first part of August is usually dog-friendly. We found a new favorite spot on top to camp and play in ponds.


Kim seems to be doing a lot of work stuff and going to a lot of classes so we think things are going south fast. 

Abandoned in July

July is suppose to get better for dogs at the Busch house, but this year was weak. Bryan and Kim left us home for an entire week. They have never done that! Usually at least one of them stays with us or they are just gone for a night or two. But this year, the went on an Alaskan Cruise WITHOUT us. Rumor has it, they did a hike with NO dogs and then a hike with Angie Taggert and 10 sled dogs. We stay home with David. (Maybe Kim will post about their trip).
I think Kim and Bry felt guilty for leaving us for so long. They have been much better at taking us places. We usually go to our favorite place, the Beartooth Pass. In early July, it still had good snow.

By the late July the snow was mostly gone.

June is Not Dog Friendly

Kim has done a really poor job of keeping the Busch Family blog updated so I am again try to do the whole dog-gone summer in a couple of post. Part of the reason Kim has NOT been updating is because she has been galavanting all over WITHOUT dogs.
Can you believe it? 
By the way, the Busch dogs don't really like June,  it's kayak season, it's go to the Park season, 
it IS NOT dog season.

Notice there are no pictures of me. I wonder what that is about?