Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What is Missing from this Picture?

My frequent readers may have notice my significant absence from the blog and this picture. Well, I have been injured. I have had this pain in my hip so sometimes I have to carry that leg. It is especially a problem when I am chasing rabbits. Someone mentioned that maybe I was just faking it so I could get out of sled dog duty.

"Why didn't I think of that?"

I did hear Kim mention that maybe they should lease a couple sled dogs for the season. I would like to support that idea, as long as they leave when the season is over.
Bryan and the sled dogs have been going on tundra walks but Kim has had a lot of in-town commitments and I have been left at home and I am over it. I have been working really hard not to limp in front of Kim and Bryan because I am really sick and tired of staying home.

The weather is really cooling off so mush season could start any day.

I think I might be feeling a twitch in my hip if I see snow.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Life with Dogs: Part II: Dog Proofing

Question: What does a part-time musher/garden use an old dog sled for? Fencing, of course.
In July my friend, Sheila, watered my tomatoes while we were on vacation. Upon my return, she asked, "What is with the chicken wire?" 
Well, I have found that it is extremely challenging to be a gardener and a dog owner at the same time. My dogs are very interested in gardening. Stratus is the most enthusiastic gardener at our house. He prefers to unplant and relocate young plants. After finding more than one new tomato plant in the middle of the yard, I had to come up with a plan. 
Solution: Chicken wire, dog sled, and zip-ties. 
This worked really well until the tomatoes started to look a lot like tennis balls. Lucy has become much more interested.
Now the tomatoes are turning red and in steps, Walla Walla, our fruit and vegetable eater. Walla seems to understand that when fruits became ripe it is best to eat it fresh, right off the vine. Last summer, she beat me to most of the raspberries and strawberries, now she is after the cherry tomatoes. 
Solution: more chicken wire.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

17 Years of Wedded Bliss

Bryan and the dogs planned our 17th anniversary weekend. It was full of all the romance any bride/MOD could hope for. I slept in, had breakfast in bed, enjoyed a candle light steak dinner(I didn't cook) and the dogs stayed at camp so Bryan and I could have some alone time.
During our alone time, we attempted to ride the Honda 90s to Independence, a ghost town outside of Big Timber, MT. This was actually our second attempt to make it to the "really cool" part. A few years ago we rode are mountain bikes up. Both of us have gained some weight and we were pretty sure that we would not have made it on our mountain bikes.
This was also a trip we had hoped to make during our "Honda 90" vacation that didn't really happen this summer.

About 4 miles up the primitive road you get to the first cabin but you have to keep going, when we got to the steep, rocky switchbacks I was done. This Honda 90 riding is a lot harder than it looks. I have to pay attention all the time, my butt and right hand (front brake hand) get sore, and my head starts to bob. I Bryan says I look like a Bobble Head riding down the trail.
We rode 33 miles(round-trip) on Saturday but we only made it to the first section with a cabin and outhouse.
Sunday we just relaxed and Bryan did some fishing.