Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I (Willow) told Kim that she need to come into the 21st century and at least have a blog. As you can see she got a little carried away at with the stickers. I am going to try to keep you all up on the latest Busch Family Adventure.

As you know we have all been hanging out with Bryan while he recovers from his broken ankle. It really hasn't been much fun. We used to go do things.

Oh, did I mention that they brought home a puppy, Stratus. He is suppose to be almost two but he acts like a puppy! You would not believe how BAD he is. Just this weekend he peed in Kim's purse. Bryan thought that was really funny. Kim could of been more impressed. I am hoping she gets mad and send him back.

This weekend we tried to go on the Beartooth Pass but there was too much rain and snow. (At least I didn't have to pull that stupid sled. Did I mention I am not a sled dog.)

More later